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jan people say "kama pona" in informal settings when they're greeting a person. in some other contexts, this may be different. when a person just woke up, they might say "lon pona", when they're meeting at a restaurant, they might say "moku pona", and so on - jan Melako
after a while, 'seme li lon' starts being so common that no one expects an answer from it, much like 'what's up' of english. perhaps it starts being shortened to 'semilon' or something like that (we know how much toki pona likes to abbreviate stuff! (see kuntu and omekapo)), and at that point, semilon just starts being another kind of hello (but, y'know, probably cooler than toki) - kala pona Tonyu
"The jan culture has some fixed formulae for farewells, but a common practice is just providing a heartfelt, small advice. It doesn't need to be specifically related to the person or the situation at had. Each jan builds a library of personal farewells that use with different people and in different circumstances, and it is generally considered kind and nice to provide this kind of advice. Some examples are: - o moku e kala pona! - o lon poka seli! (in the cold season) - o noka ala e pipi! - o moku e telo!" - jan Tomen
to say goodbye, they usually just say whatever the person is going to do before pona. "pali pona" if the person is going to work, "lape pona" if they're going to sleep, "musi pona" if they're going to do some entertaining thing. yes, this moku pona conflicts with the hi one, but . - jan Melako
o moku e kala pona!